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Innovative  Hospital

Hospital of Tomorrow

Innovation has the power to change lives only when the necessary resources are provided. The Innovative Hospital Program through Hospital 2020 offers the essential elements of support that are the foundation of any successful hospital of tomorrow.

Hospital of the future trusts Innovation

Innovation has become synonymous with survival in the current global healthcare environment. Hospitals, however, tend to be rule-bound and risk-averse. The initiatives suggest that successful innovation adoption may be associated with perceptions of trust among administrators, professionals and employees. For individuals or groups to be willing to take necessary risks for innovation adoption, there must be a perception that the organization trusts its members with appropriate information, resources and risk acceptance.

Innovation adoption is classified into technological, administrative, human-resources, and product/service innovation categories. Organizational climate elements of trust are grouped as 1) calculus-based trust, associated with perceived benefits and consequences, 2) knowledge-based trust, relying on experience and history, and 3) identification-based trust, established in common group membership, interests and intentions. Based on this project, we associate perceptions of trust with observations of hospital innovation adoptions.


Trust-related organizational climate attributes are shown to be positively associated with the adoption of specific types of innovations and negatively associated with others. The findings suggest that the presence of certain key elements of trust within organizational climates could function as predictors of successful innovation adoption and readiness for organizational change

Innovation, for hospitals, has indeed been equated to economic survival and growth. Market pressure from health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and insurance companies has induced hospitals to reduce health-care costs through efficiencies. Some hospitals have reacted by merging and consolidating. Others have attempted to be innovative, with new markets, new technologies and new services. Hospitals that have survived have done so largely by innovating and adapting.

Hospitals report wide variation their ability to adopt innovations. Some hospitals innovate easily; others find such innovation difficult if not impossible. Many institutions are viewed as conservative, hierarchical, conforming, rule-bound organizations that favor stability over change. How can traditionally conservative hospitals effect creative change? How can risk-adverse organizations suddenly eschew stability and allow the inherent risk associated with innovation? We at Hospital 2020 try through our programs to answer both questions and more challenges.


What is Innovation

Innovation refers to the process of bringing any new, problem-solving idea into use. Ideas for reorganizing, cutting costs, putting in new budgeting systems, improving communication, or assembling products in teams are also called innovation. Innovation is the generation acceptance and implementation of new ideas, processes, products, or services .Just as innovation has many definitions, it also has many classifications.


Classification of Innovation

.Technical Innovations

Technical innovations were classified as those innovations that render the production process more efficient or productive. These were selected as they related to procedures, processes, equipment, techniques, or technology. In hospitals, these included such items as new computer systems, new medical procedures, new record-keeping methods, process improvement initiatives, new equipment, etc. The selection criteria was process or technology-focused.

.Administrative Innovations

Administrative innovations involve the management processes of the organization, including examples of innovation that relate to organizational structures, organizational relationships, hospital membership, and administrative policies. Innovative items that fell into this category included reorganizations, mergers, organization restructuring, hospital partnerships, hospital board changes, staffing plans, strategic plans, etc. The classification criteria focused various aspects of the organizational infrastructure.


.Human Resource Innovations

Human resource innovations were defined as those innovations that influence changes in the attitudes, skills, beliefs, expectations, or behavior of employees, including items that relate to human-resources policies, teamwork, motivation, leadership, team membership, and employee relations. Examples selected included new training events, promotional possibilities, recognition systems, cross-training programs, gain-sharing programs, equal opportunity programs, etc. Items were classified in this category based on their leadership, motivational or educational content.

.Product/Service Innovations

Product/service innovations were outputs of the hospital organizations--related to new products, services, or new features that were made available to customers and end users. Examples of these were new hospital services, community outreach programs, hospital events, shifts to out-patient care, treatment programs, marketing campaigns, care units, etc. The emphasis for this category is on the customer. In general, innovations in the other three categories involve processes or structures internal to hospital organizations; product/service innovations are outputs of the hospital.

Science Lab

The need for Technology Transfer Office at Hospitals

• Hospitals must retain rights in inventions resulting from federally funded research –requires sharing of license revenues with inventors
• Long-term revenue stream
• Attract and retain researchers and innovators
• Assist in economic development
• Fuel healthcare industry’s “pipeline”
• Move technology to the marketplace for the benefit of the public

Becoming a smart hospital

The future smart hospital will soon replace the conventional, inefficient, paper laden hospitals which currently exist. These new digital hospitals will reflect a truly integrated environment where medical devices and clinical information systems can be deployed for each core and ancillary functional area. The end result will be a dramatic improvement for the patient experience.

Innovative Hospital Award

Innovative practice and initiatives is evident throughout hospitals all over the world and yet it is often not publicly recognized or rewarded.  With this in mind, Hospital 2020 and their partners and stakeholders have established an annual award for the innovative hospital– The Innovative Practice in the global hospital Award .

In addition to recognizing outstanding innovation, the aim is of this Award is to also provide a platform where these new initiatives may be shared amongst industry colleagues. 


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